Urine specific gravity
Urine specific gravity

urine specific gravity

A monochromatic light is led to the drop and the specific gravity can be measured depending on the angle of refraction of the light. Background: In general, there is a good correlation between the specific gravity and osmolality of a urine sample. Refractometer: Only a drop of urine is needed.With a calibrated scale the specific gravity can be read depending on how much the test tube float in the distilled water. Urine SG can be used to assess the kidney’s ability to concentrate or dilute urine. Urinometer: A test tube is filled with 10 or 20 ml of urine and then is placed in distilled water at 68-72✯ (20-22ªC). Specific gravity (SG), the ratio of the mass of a solution compared to the mass of an equal volume of water, is an estimate of the concentration of substances dissolved in the solution.Specific gravity may be also measured at labs with other procedures. The dipstick urine test may yield false-positive results with alkaline urine (pH greater than 8) concentrated urine (specific gravity greater than 1.030) gross hematuria pyuria. They comprise up to 10 or more different reagents or chemical pads to perform different urine tests at the same time. causes include: some dipsticks give falsely high readings in the presence of dextran solutions and IV. In laboratories, there are automated machines that perform the analysis very fast, but it is also possible to buy strips that let you analyze a urine sample at home. specific gravity on urine dipstick increased SG. Plasma osmolality, urine osmolality and urine specific gravity are the most widely used markers of hydration. It reacts (change color) when it is dipped into the urine specimen. Recent findings: Changes in body weight, haematological and urine parameters, bioelectrical impedance, skinfold thickness, heart rate and blood pressure changes are among these indices. The dipstick may comprise a reagent or chemical pad. The urine gravity test is measured frequently using reagent strips or dipsticks. This sample will be sent to the lab for the analysis. The patient must collect a sample of the urine in a specific container using a special kit. This test is performed along with other urine tests in what is called a urinalysis.

Urine specific gravity